Tablets are quickly becoming the ideal solution for school 1-to-1 programs. They provide a simple, lightweight, low-cost option for seamlessly incorporating technology into the classroom.
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Tablets are quickly becoming the ideal solution for school 1-to-1 programs. They provide a simple, lightweight, low-cost option for seamlessly incorporating technology into the classroom.
Transformation of teaching and learning occurs when we begin to base our instructional practices on 21st Century Skills. Educators that integrate these skills into daily practice are unable to avoid more active instruction and begin to understand the importance of allowing student to construct knowledge through the development of these skills, at which point technology plays the ‘natural’ role of enabler.
By now, you’ve probably read enough to be convinced that it’s worth trying games in your classroom. You understand that games are not meant to be robot teachers, replacing the human-to-human relationship. Games are a tool that teachers can use to do their jobs more effectively and more efficiently. Games provide a different approach to […]
iPads are making waves in education all over the nation, even in college classrooms, where they’re replacing laptops, textbooks, and notebooks. Some colleges have even gone so far as to hand out iPads to new students, helping students and faculty all work with the same technology for learning. This year, the iPad is still going strong […]
Digital Storytelling is a fantastic way to encourage students to develop products relating to the creative thought process while using problem-solving and language skills.
The effective selection of education technology products is often a daunting task. The key is to begin with educational and instructional needs and avoid the lure of marketing efforts. The five-step process listed above provides a way to find that diamond in the rough that may significantly advance your program.
QBL is an effective process for incorporating modern-day instructional approaches into the classroom.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) coupled with machine learning is an even newer practice entering the educational arena
Although social networks are viewed by most as a leisure activity, we must not forget that it is the voice of the young generation. It is the medium of speech and something that comes naturally to them. Therefore, the ‘natural’ place is in the classroom, and maybe we should consider it to be a learning network instead?
The way mathematics is being taught in schools is quickly losing relevancy to the needs of society and fails to prepare students for the modern day workforce in a constantly changing economy.